How to Get Down In The Porn Game – A Quick Guide to Getting Down

Porn Games

“How to Get Down in The Porn Game” by David Perkins is the second part of his exploration into the world of adult entertainment. This book is all about Herc. David Perkins writes about his years working as an editor in adult magazines. His views on pornography are both informed and biting. This book is a must have for any fan of good sex scenes. Read it and learn how David Perkins thinks…

“How to Get Down in The Porn Game” is the third part of David Perkins’ quest to answer the question: what is porn really about? This book is more about personal experience in the adult entertainment business and is intended to provide the reader with some insight into how to get “down” in the porn game. What you will find in this text is uncensored and sometimes raw, but never does not reflect the opinion of either the Porn Industry or David Perkins himself.

Perkins starts this book out by reviewing the controversy that arose after adult film actress Virginia Roberts sued Harvey and Bob Weinstein over their alleged sexual harassment of her. This case ultimately became a class-action suit, which ultimately led to the split between the two companies. The book takes place just prior to the settlement. This may be an indirect shot at the other company, but the book is still an interesting read regarding how to get into the adult entertainment business.

The chapters cover how to approach adult performers, the art of lying, how to get women into bed (which is quite different from writing sex scenes), negotiating, the art of foreplay and so much more. There is a lot of information about porn stars and even some real life examples. This book could serve as a textbook on how to get into the adult entertainment business. It’s detailed and colorful and offers advice from some of the best in the business.

I think that one of the best things about this book had to offer was the mental preparation exercises. These are geared towards men, but women can definitely pick up some of this advice and use it to their advantage. These include things like thinking about the sexual positions you want to try, what techniques work best and so on. I also think that one of the keys to understanding how to get down in the porn game is to be aware of your own emotions and talk to your partner about them. Being able to discuss sensitive topics like performance anxiety can make for a very productive conversation. The book provides plenty of tips and even has an entire appendix on how to get your girl back if she is cheating on you.

David Perkins does an excellent job of condensing a large amount of information into a very short and simple to read manual. The fact that there is only around seventy pages make this a quick read and you will have no trouble staying focused. There are also a number of bonus material that comes with the book, which includes an MP4 of “sex scenes” from the book that you can burn onto a CD or put on a portable disk and listen to while you drive, do something else that you don’t have to do while reading, etc. This is a great additional feature that I would have liked to have seen included in a more comprehensive how to guide.

In addition, there are three bonus supplements that come with the book that focus on subjects ranging from relationships, flirting techniques and how to talk to women about sex. There is also a short video that goes over the basics of what a porn star is, how she is perceived by the public and what drives her to make her films. The video also goes over some of the common misconceptions about porn stars. For example, many people believe that the only time a porn star is on the edge of orgasm is when she is having sex with multiple people. In fact, porn stars can achieve orgasms from just oral sex with one man or woman, as well as sex with multiple partners.

All in all, this is a helpful manual for any man who wants to know how to get down in the porn game. It takes into account how to be a porn star from the male’s perspective, which will help him learn how to take his skills from the amateur level to the pro. It also goes into the nuances of sexuality that most men are not aware of, such as the mental conditioning required to be aroused by pornography. Finally, the book also provides some bonus material such as videos and photographs to help further one’s understanding of what it takes to be a porn star. As a bonus, the e-book is covered in full color with easy to read text.

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